palliate (dis)order
By enacting Aftermaths as a response-able framework for working around dichotomies of sensitive narrative and vulnerable bodies, Palliate (dis)Order considers how the transference of intersectional and intergenerational trauma, conflict and memory are experienced by, and conceptualised through and (with)in the body.
Incorporating the Protected Identity sculpture series, works prioritise anonymity to determine the primacy of ethical concerns, to hold a safe, interstitial space for speculative reparation.
Incorporating the Protected Identity sculpture series, works prioritise anonymity to determine the primacy of ethical concerns, to hold a safe, interstitial space for speculative reparation.
Palliate (dis)order (I-III), 2023, Intergenerational Performance with Protected Identity Sculpture series, Film(still), 45cmx35cmx12cm, Aluminium, Malmö, SE.